The UK’s leading data challenge in
Primary and Secondary schools.

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The UK’s leading data challenge in
Primary and Secondary schools.

Register now to enter!

STATWARS® is a data project, with multiple curriculum links to science, mathematics, computing, engineering as well as English and geography, open to primary and secondary school pupils.

There is £5000 worth of prizes up for grabs, and the first 200 teams who submit entries also receiving a customised bag of seeds to help the biodiversity of the community.

The STATWARS: Climate Change Challenge empowers and educates pupils to tackle climate change using data they capture themselves. Pupils use our Carbon Footprint Calculator to calculate their own carbon footprint, then use this data to identify three changes they can personally make in their daily lives to help tackle climate change.

The competition is open until the end of this Academic Year!

STATWARS® has been fully-funded for UK schools by our national partners, Royal Air Force Charitable Trust, Aggreko, Anglia Ruskin University, Northern Powergrid and Siemens Group.

STATWARS® is a data project, with multiple curriculum links to science, mathematics, computing, engineering as well as English and geography, open to primary and secondary school pupils.

There is £5000 worth of prizes up for grabs, and the first 200 teams who submit entries also receiving a customised bag of seeds to help the biodiversity of the community.

The STATWARS: Climate Change Challenge empowers and educates pupils to tackle climate change using data they capture themselves. Pupils use our Carbon Footprint Calculator to calculate their own carbon footprint, then use this data to identify three changes they can personally make in their daily lives to help tackle climate change.

The competition is open until the end of this Academic Year!

STATWARS® has been fully-funded for UK schools by our national partners, Royal Air Force Charitable Trust, Aggreko, Anglia Ruskin University and Siemens Group.

STATWARS: Climate Change Challenge is real-world immersive competition that puts pupils in the driver’s seat to impact real change.

Our Climate Change Challenge is a cross-curricular study involving mathematics, science, geography, computing and art and design where pupils gather and collect data to understand their own carbon footprint and present it in creative ways to educate and inform others on how to make small changes to their lives for the betterment of the planet. They learn from real data scientists on the most impactful ways of using and presenting data to drive real change in the world they live in.

Every single pupil who takes part receives a graded certificate, and up to £5000 of eco-prizes are up for grabs. Teachers select one team from the class and send their entries to Primary Engineer HQ to be graded and judged.

60 teams are shortlisted for the final judging by the data experts at out partners WPP, with 4 winners being selected in total – 2 winners from Primary and 2 winners from Secondary.

All shortlisted entries receive £30 to spend in our Eco-store, with winners receiving £300 to spend. This allows schools to select the prizes that are right for them, enabling them to better the community they are in.

A big thank you to our supporters!